The One Question Everyone Wonders About

lovable questionA psychic says, “Think of any question… yes, I know what it is, and I know the answer”.  Since we know there is no such thing as mindreading and most mind tricks are based on logic and percentage guessing, I was intrigued as to what the majority of people would ask – what is the major question that a preponderance of people wonders about?

Are you curious?  When I heard the answer, I acknowledged that because most people are thinking “what’s in it for me?” about virtually everything, I wasn’t surprised by the answer – or rather the question.  Of course, it’s a question about the person themselves – the top concern that people have about their lives, what’s important to them, their inner most fear…

The question is:  Does anybody love me?  We want to be known for who we are, to be accepted, to be understood – which translates into love.  As you raise children, know that this universal concern, albeit fear of not being loved, has its roots in childhood.  Without satisfying this concern fully, we turn into needy adults, still wondering if we are lovable.

But you say, “Of course I love my children and they know it – I tell them all the time that I love them!”  But telling and promising is not the same as delivering.  To feel truly loved is to work hard at accepting them for who they are, with their irksome quirks, and annoying habits, and bad behaviors (which you are trying to change).  It’s understanding their moods and feelings, some of which make no sense at the time.  It’s really being present with them in their tough situations (which may appear trivial to you, but are huge to them).  It’s hard work, over 18 years of diligence.

And it’s such important work.

COMMUNICATION TAKEAWAY:  Have you hugged your child today?  Really hugged him, like you meant it, to your very core.  Hugged her so she grows up not wondering if she’s loved – she KNOWS she’s loved, and not just because you ‘have’ to as her parent.  

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