This program trains in the key components of how to be a SMART communicator, which takes the mystery out of which words to use to write effectively. With SMART writing, your important message gets the attention it deserves.
What would it mean to you to have your online writing noticed and read by your ideal target market?
Your emails opened, not ignored…
Your marketing read, not deleted…
Your website acted on, not by-passed…
What would it mean to you to be effective in your communication with the audience you want most to connect with?
By understanding the psychology behind marketing as applied to language, your messages land effectively. You communicate to the desired audience exactly where they are, so they pay attention. There is no guessing on whether or not you are getting through to the target. You know that you are.
SMART Writing™
The headline/subject title does all the heavy lifting – 80% of the work. It needs to be spot on if you want to attract the attention of Stage 1 lookers. They may be the ideal audience for you, but they need to read the right words in the title to go beyond a cursory glance.
Once intrigued enough by the headline to go deeper into the writing, the story must take over. How do you write to hold their interest beyond the catchy headline? This is a skill well worth knowing, as it has many broad applications beyond effective writing.
M – Motivation of reader – GETTING ACTION TO HAPPEN
Understanding the reader at the deepest level is to understanding what drives them; where their motivation comes from. Part of motivation is nature (instinctual, inherent to all) and part is nuture (personal traits, shaped by experience).
And just about all of motivation is predictable, can be analyzed and understood to act on the knowledge for solid behavior expectations. Motivations, drives, hot buttons, values – understanding these lead to desired actions.
You may think you know someone, but do you really? Do you know them to their base core? Maybe you think you do, or perhaps you don’t want to , but reality is that people want to feel understoo, like others get who they are, at a pretty deep level, without being too personal.
There are a number of important scales to understand people on, which isn’t hard to do, once you know how. And the information gained is invaluable to have.
Without rapport, the world is a lonely place. Without trust, there is no likability, and a lack of likability is a deal breaker for just about all.
How is instant rapport created, since you don’t have a lot of time with online guests to build gradually. It has to happen fast and be solid.
Cycle, what cycle? you wonder… there are many cycles – importantly a relationship cycle, with 5 stages. Then there is the 5 buyig stages.
Knowing the language to use within each stage is so important, or you might blow the opportunity and never know what happened and then it’s too late.
So you’ve read this far, and you may be expecting to see a lengthy hyped up sales page right about now, instead of just a simple Buy Now button. While I could produce something along those lines, instead I would rather spare the hype and opt for a conversation.
I realize with this medium it’s a one-way conversation, but I’ve been where you are, so I get what you’re thinking for the most part.
Let’s begin the conversation.
ME: I have all this fabulous information that I really want to share with you.
- Why? Because this information can make such a difference in lives!
- How? By helping you understand yourself and others better, along very specific lines that you don’t commonly consider. When you know this stuff, your life, your happiness, your effectiveness grows exponently stronger – it can’t not happen!
- Why? – because communication is at the core of everything we do, and good communication (internally to ourselves and externally with others) is ultimately critical to happiness.
YOU: I have so many questions – how much does this cost? How does it work? Is it worth the price? What will I get? Can I really use it and will it help to further my goals in a meaningful way?
ME: The cost is $1997 for the full program training. It’s definitely worth the price for a number of reasons:
- It’s several programs wrapped in one. I spent the time researching and comparing and doing all the legwork to put together the best components in the world of behavioral psychology then added linguistics into the application, to produce this unique training that you won’t find anywhere else.
- You can apply it to all aspects of your life since you use communication everywhere. But if you use it in your business life, I guarantee (with a 30-day full refund) that you will see improvement in your effectiveness, which will grow your business many times beyond the cost.
- It’s easy to use when you follow the step-by-step methodology.
- It’s fully guaranteed, with a no questions asked, hassle-free guarantee that holds through the first 30 days, eliminating the risk factor.
… And if more transparency is desired, let’s get any additional questions answered one-on-one: schedule an appointment with me here: and let’s really talk about your specific needs and how this program can help you reach your goals. Shall we plan to chat soon?